鳳溪第一小學曾維漢老師於小五英文課中,帶同結他與學生們一起自彈自唱教授 “Phrasal Verb”,並運用平板電腦讓他們進行答題及互動遊戲,以有趣的方式教授英文文法…… |
「eClass 港澳區中小學教學設計比賽 2014」得獎教案
《Understand More Detail in Reading Comprehension》
曾維漢老師 鳳溪第一小學
年級:五年級 │
科目:英文科 │
所應用之電子教學工具:PowerLesson互動課堂、PowerBoard 電子白板、iPad平板電腦、網頁、YouTube、簡報、PDF、“Phrasal Stein”App
教案以兩課節為基礎教授英語文法,著學生運用平板電腦答題及進行互動遊戲,使學生能透過有趣的形式深層次地理解文章內容及掌握學習重點,藉此提升課堂的互動性及實用性。於課堂開首,曾老師先以歌曲引入教學內容,並運用「PowerLesson 互動課堂」整合教材,以多層式閱讀技巧幫助學生學習。接著學生需以個人及小組形式進行活動,例如:配對練習、選擇題、投票等,並嘗試尋找及朗讀出文章中的語文文法重點,再以平板電腦進行錄影、錄音等,然後將檔案一併提交至 PowerLesson 討論區。曾老師便能即時掌握學生的學習成效,並針對強弱之處進行即時檢討及回饋,大大提高課堂趣味性及學習成效。
● Be able to sing songs with “phrasal verbs” and find them throughout the passage
● Be able to match the halves of the sentences with conditional sentences “If…, …will…”
● Be able to get at least 80% correct answers in the worksheet to show students’understanding
of the passage
Lesson Plan:
Prodcedure |
Details |
(10 mins) |
[YouTube – embedded on PowerLesson]
● Teacher plays the music video clip once

[PowerLesson – Voting]
● Teacher asks students to vote for the song they have just heard and
share their reasons

[PDF, PowerPoint – embedded on PowerLesson, PowerBoard]
● Teacher plays the music video clip again and asks students to circle
all the phrasal verbs on the lyrics by using PowerBoard. Then submit
their work and share what they have got

● Teacher guides student to discover simple structure of ‘phrasal verbs’
● Teacher asks students to sing along the theme song by playing guitar |
Pre-Reading 1
(8 mins) |
[PDF – embedded on PowerLesson, PowerLesson – Voting]
● Teacher asks students to skim the newsletter article and look at the
pictures. Then vote for ONE word to describe pictures and share their

[PowerLesson – Quiz (Matching), Forum]
● Use the interactive matching exercise to do the ‘if-clause’ matching
halves. Students need to drag the correct halves into the boxes and
submit to the Forum
● Teacher asks students to discuss the sentence pattern with partners
during the matching exercise
● Teacher reveals the matching results and follows up the weaknesses
of the students
Pre-Reading 2
(7 mins) |
[Website – embedded on PowerLesson]
● Teacher shares a website of phrasal verbs definitions and asks
students to search for them on the internet to enhance their
self-learning abilities with pupils

● Teacher explains the structure of phrasal verbs explicitly
● Teacher revises and elicits different phrasal verb structures with
students. Then ask students to suggest some examples such as
‘throw away’, ‘give up’, ‘look after', etc
[PDF, PowerPoint – embedded on PowerLesson]
● Teacher shows the tips for answering reading comprehension and
asks students to choose the best answer with the guidelines
(10 mins) |
[PowerBoard, PowerLesson – Quiz (MC Questions), Forum]
● Students read the passage again and finish a set of MC questions

● Teacher asks students to make good use of their ‘thinking area’ while
answering MC questions and submit their work to the Forum
Post-Reading 1
(10 mins) |
[PDF, PowerPoint – embedded on PowerLesson, PowerLesson – Forum]
● Teacher checks the answer with students and explains each question

● Teacher reveals the statistics and give feedback
Post-Reading 2
(10 mins) |
[PDF – embedded on PowerLesson, PowerLesson – Forum]
● Students are divided into groups of 4. Group leader of each group
needs to assign members to read aloud phrasal verbs and use iPad to
record them
● Then invite other students to check the accuracy and give positive
feedback (Peer Observation)
(6 mins) |
[iPad Apps –‘Phrasal stein’ (Phrasal Verbs)]
● Students are encouraged to do exercises on iPad Apps ‘Phrasal stein’
(4 mins) |
[PDF, PowerPoint – embedded on PowerLesson]
● Teacher shows the reading comprehension tips again and asks
students to read it aloud so as to remind them the teaching points
Homework assignment
(5 mins) |
[PowerLesson – Quiz (MC Questions)]
● Students can work on the interactive matching exercise to revise the
different meanings of phrasal verbs and share the learning experience
with their parents

● Students are requested to finish the take-home assignments on the
● Teacher will reveal the statistics and follow up the weaknesses of
students in the next lesson as a continuing learning

● Two sets of extra reading comprehension are prepared to cater for
individual learning differences. Students are required to finish 10 MC
questions at home individually |