小學組冠軍:《Story writing and telling》
賴翠蓮老師 循道學校
年級:五年級 │
科目:英文科 │
課堂節數:兩節(共 70 分鐘)
所應用之電子教學工具:PowerLesson 互動課堂、網頁、簡報、Pdf 文件
循道學校賴翠蓮老師的教案以兩課節為基礎,她特意運用教學系統及平板電腦,加強學生以過去式寫作英文故事外,亦藉此提升課堂的趣味性。課堂中,她運用「PowerLesson 互動課堂」整合了影片及教材,並以多媒體配對遊戲、拍照、投票及錄音工具,帶領學生學習寫作技巧。每組學生需為創作故事演說一分鐘,並以平板電腦進行錄音及拍照,一併將錄音檔及工作紙上載至 PowerLesson 以作提交。由於學生英語能力有別,賴老師特意將強弱學生編為一組,以協作形式鼓勵他們互相指教。而老師更運用投票工具,從數據中評估學生的能力差異,並針對他們的共通錯處進行即時指導。
● Pupils are able to describe the five parts of a story and produce a story with the use of
different objectives, adverbs, vocabulary, correct forms of verbs and give elaboration of ideas
● Pupils are able to use the appropriate intonation and stress, and vary volume, tone of voice
and speed to convey intended meanings and feelings
● Pupils are able to develop their communication skills and confidence in using English through
sharing their work with and giving positive feedback to each other
● Pupils are able to work cooperatively with others and treat others’ suggestions positively to
complete a task